The TEMPORARY Home at 62 Lafayette Rd in North Hampton, NH Tel. (603) 929-7467


All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.


Hurricane MARIA September 2017.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

I'm re-posting this video because it's officially hurricane season and we sure could use a couple.
And this hurri was one of the good ones. MARIA. It's funny because the soundtrack is one of my original songs,
"MARIA" and when I sing it to my youngest granddaughter, I change it to her name "Malia." The surf is pretty good
in this clip and so is the song. Listen to it, and think of my 1yr old granddaughter dancing to it.

July 23rd, 2023 The RUN is 5 out of 5 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were waist high plus waves on July 17th-18th, 2023.

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.



This is my hand painted Shark Board. I believe we made this sometime in the 90's Mike "ZAPPY" Paugh shaped it and I painted on the foam. Clearly this board raised more than a few eyebrows, when I sat back on the board, and the nose popped out of the water. Yikes!

DON'T EVER BUY A F***ING MONKEY. The book will be out in early Fall.


So a GREAT WHITE SHARK killed a woman yesterday afternoon in Maine while she was swimming. This might be hitting a little too close to home for some folks. Not me, I have always, (and I do mean always) been aware that White Sharks live out there off our beaches. And as of late, we've had more than a few confirmed sightings of Great Whites, as well as an increase in Bear sightings. As most of you already know, Cape Cod has a pretty significant White Shark problem. With several attacks now on record, and unfortunately there was a fatal attack the summer of 2018, when a surfer was killed while surfing off of one the beaches. So yeah, it's gotten serious.

I have a true White Shark story that I'm not sure I ever shared with you all. But this seems like a good time to share it.

The summer of 2014. It was a few weeks after our local friend and surfer had passed away. Rick Savastano died in August of 2014. It's hard to believe it's been 6 years already. That was a summer to end all summers. My family lost our beloved nephew Michael Colby in June of 2014. Then we lost Ed O'Connell on July 2nd, and then we lost John "JT" Taylor on July 6th. Like I said, it was a bummer of a summer if there ever was one. But back to my story. I had been out surfing at the Wall. It was about waist to shoulder high. It was a hot and very humid August day, and the water was so warm. It had all the elements of creating a summer crowd. And that's exactly what it was that late morning.

It was crowded with beginners and intermediate surfers. It was too small and too crowded for the heavy locals to be out. I had caught a few fun waves when some guy dropped in on me. Suffice it to say, words were exchanged. He was completely in the wrong and like most beginners had no idea why. So rather than educate another clueless beginner, I opted to leave.
By leaving I meant I would seek surf elsewhere. I had a hunch and went with it. A remote left point break. My hunch paid off.

There was nobody out. And I'm not gonna lie. It was half the size of the Wall. But at least I'd have it to myself. And that was the charm of this potential score. There was a middle aged woman on the beach. She was dressed in a pink sweat-suit. She was lying on a long beach chair reading a newspaper. I walked by her and she never looked up. I had every intention of greeting her with a smile and a happy "Good morning." But she was not having any of that today. I suppose in her own way, she was sweating off a few pounds. It was as I said earlier, very hot and humid. I can relate to her tactic because I currently do the same when I go out in the woods with my dog. I wear a full nylon jacket with long pants. I have a hood that I wear as well. My intention is to sweat off a few pounds off my large framed body each time. Hey it works.
So looking back at this day, perhaps she was doing the same.

Well, I paddled out and much to my surprise there were a few sets coming in out of the semi fog. They were small, maybe thigh high. It was dead low tide so I had to be careful not to hit any rocks. I rode a few waves when I looked up and saw the coolest cloud formation. I can remember distinctly speaking out loud. "Hey Rick, is this your doing?" The clouds were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They were kind of shaped like curly pasta or springs. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how or why they were formed like that. I remembered looking back at the shore to see if the "Pink"lady was seeing them. But she was still deeply involved with her newspaper.
And then when I looked back out to the horizon to see if any waves were coming, I saw it. Plain as day. About 75 yards east of where I was sitting.
A fin. A solid fin cutting through the water.

It was moving from north to south. It took me a few seconds to process what I was seeing. For the record, I have seen many sharks in my life. I've seen Basking sharks, Nurse sharks, Sand sharks, Blue sharks, and I've even had a 12' Tiger shark chase me and two friends (Lenny Nichols and Kevin Grondin) out of the water on Oahu's East Side one year (1989). I remember that like it was yesterday. But I had never seen a White Shark out in the water. That is, not until now.

It seemed surreal to me. And I wasn't 100% sure of what I was looking at, even though it was right there out in front of me. Well, I snapped back to reality within a few minutes after I confirmed in my mind just what it was that I was looking at. I looked over my shoulder to see if there was anyone on the shoreline. Nope. Just the pink Sweat-suited lady buried in her newspaper. Then I scanned the horizon to see if there were any waves coming. I had made up my mind that I needed to get out of there. And thankfully a set appeared. I paddled for the first wave and caught it. I made sure my fingers barely broke the surface as I paddled.

I rode that wave all the way into the inside. Looking back over my shoulder the whole way in. When I got inside I stopped and sat up on my board. The logical thing to do now, would be the obvious. Keep paddling in. But for reasons, that to this very day escape me, I turned around to see if I could see it. I scanned the waters but I couldn't see it.

Then I did something that my wife wanted to kill me over.
I turned around and paddled back out. Why? I wanted to make sure I hadn't just hallucinated this whole scenario. So I got back out there, sat up on my board, and looked in every direction. My senses were on high alert. I'm not sure how much time had passed but I'm guessing it was about 15 to 20 minutes. I saw nothing.

My heart had stopped beating fast and I felt more relaxed and for a moment there, I thought that maybe, I had just imagined all of it. I looked all around. Up in the sky at the clouds (that had since vanished), back on the beach where the lady was still lying on her lounge chair. And back out in front of me.
And then, as luck would have it, there it was again. It was real.

A solid fin, not some flopping back and forth fin, like on a basking shark. This was solid. And then I did something that surprised the hell out of myself. Instead of paddling in, and riding a wave in on my stomach, I paddled out towards that shark. I wanted to get closer. I wanted to be able to see it's white underbelly. Keep in mind, it was dead low tide out there. The depth of where I was sitting was no more than 3 to maybe 4' deep. We're talking shallow.
It's important to know, that I have done things like this in my past. Stupid shit that I had no business doing.

I got as close as I could to a 12' long alligator once. I got about 3' feet from this large gator in the Florida Keys. I believe I've posted that pic before. (It's in the yesterday page section if you want to see that). I walked up on a large Bull Moose in Maine taking photos with my buddy Rich standing way behind me. And once in Southeast Asia while on patrol, I followed a large cobra crawling along a river bank, must to the dismay of my fellow Marines in my squad. And now here I was, paddling up to a White Shark. Well, I got close enough to see the white belly and I glided to a stop. If I had to guess how big it was. I'd say 10-12'. It went underwater and headed south.

I stayed out there just sitting on my board. I was not catching any waves. I was letting it all sink in. I've been surfing since 1964, and had never seen a White Shark before this day. To me, it felt invigorating. I wasn't scared. If anything, I felt empowered. I know it sounds ridiculous, and honestly? If anyone in my family had done such a thing, I'd be furious. As my late mother used to always say to me when I would point out the absurd things she would do "Do as I say, Not as I do." Long story short. The shark never came back. I stayed there a long time. Eventually a surfer paddled out. A young guy I had never met. He paddled up to me.

"Hey are you Ralph from Ralph's Pic? " I looked at him and said
" I am." "Oh my God I'm surfing with Ralph from Ralph's Pic!?!?" I looked over my shoulder and back at him.
"Yeah lucky you, only we're not alone." His face changed as he looked at me "What do you mean?"
"I mean I just saw a shark about 20 minutes ago."
"A shark? What kind of a shark?" he asked.
"I can't be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it was a White Shark." And no sooner did I say those words, when he paddled over to me and sat inches from me and my board.
"Hey don't sit on me. Don't crowd me. I don't know what kind of vibe you're giving off. Get away from me." And I paddled away from him.
But he followed me. "Look man, don't sit on me. That shark wanted nothing to do with me. But I don't know what his deal is with you."
He laughed nervously and then pushed himself away from me.
I hung around for another twenty minutes and surfed with him. A young woman eventually paddled out and I shared my story with her. I’m not sure if she believed me or not. I left the two of them and caught one last wave in. The shark never returned. I heard later that some fishermen had spotted the same shark about a half a mile south of where I saw it. And the day before, Dave Cropper from Cinnamon Rainbows had spotted a large seal nearby where I saw the shark. Sharks feed on Seals.

When I left the water that day, I walked by the woman lying in the chair dressed in the pink Sweat-suit. This time she looked up at me. "What a beautiful day." I said. She looked at me and smiled "It is." I smiled back
"Have a nice day."
And then, I walked away from one the most intense days of my life.
August 15th, 2014.

Ed O'Connell was one of the most loved surf photographers in New England. A US ARMY Vietnam Veteran who saved the lives of so many ARMY Grunts in Nam in 68-69 as a Medic on board those Dust Off Hueys. He was a dear friend of mine.

When he passed on July 1st, 2014 I swore I'd keep his memory and legacy alive by giving him this weekly corner. He loved surfing and he loved taking photos of all the surfers. Not just those who could really stand out. He shot every one. As long as I shall live and breathe the salt air, there will be a corner dedicated to Ed.

ED'S CORNER July 23rd, 2023

This pic was shot on August 22nd, 2009. Once again, this is Kevin Doc Grondin. This time he's doing a nice cutback at his favorite left point. This is during Hurricane BILL. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

I'm not sure if I'll ever see it. One thing is for sure, I won't be seeing it in the movie theaters. It's rated PG-13 so none of our grandkids can see it. Which is too bad. Because my wife and I have no real desire to see it. Unless Barbie or Ken get messed up or killed.
My guess is they don't. So...?

FINALLY... COMING THIS FALL. The long awaited book that I have been writing the last 10 years or so. Yes there will be a book signing. And I will let you all know in advance, where and when. Meanwhile Click on the image below to see a larger version. The book will be available in both hard cover and soft cover on AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, INGRAM, and KOBO PUBLISHING. It's been a long time coming. I'm pretty stoked about this project. 72 years in the making. Stay tuned.

Check out the RETURN of the 2023 HAMPTON BEACH COMEDY FESTIVAL . Now there's 5 days in August you need to put down on your calendars.

The HIT THE BEACH DAY is on Friday August 25th, 2023.

Hard to believe it's been 15 years of HIT THE BEACH.
This is going to be a big day at the beach. We are currently working with the State to get the beach cleaned up the day or two prior to the HTB day. As most of you know, we have had huge amounts of seaweed on that beach every year. It would be nice to have it clean for once.

We're just trying to get permission to allow Anthony Curro to bring his backhoe down at 18th Street. Otherwise we have to remove it all by hand again. And that is NO fun.

This chart is an eye opener. Especially the deer stats. And how about those damn hippos? WTF? As crazy as this all seems, it does put things into perspective. The Shark kill ratio is way down from everything else. So quit panicking people. Chances are you are not gonna get killed by a shark. But there's plenty of other things out there and on this chart that could kill your ass.
Though I admit I'm curious about the ant kills? What the hell is that all about?


The last of the old time crooners, Tony Bennett. There's been much written about this man in the last few days so nothing I say can shed any new light on his amazing career. However, the fact that Paul McCartney was good friends with him says enough for me. Talk about two legends. Paul and Tony played on the infamous DUETS: AN AMERICAN CLASSIC record in 2006. As did other famous musicians: Elton John, Barbara Streisand, Bono, Sting, James Taylor, and Stevie Wonder to name a few. In his recent years Lady GaGa performed with him. And local WBCN celebrity Chachi Loprette was very good friends with Tony. I mean they were on a first name basis. Chachi really helped launch Tony Bennett's second career. It was so cool.

And look at this photo. Talk about two cool cats. Chachi and Tony.

And somewhere there's a photo of Chachi, Tony Bennett, and our good friend Tony Berardini from WBCN. Suffice it to say, Tony Bennett was loved around the world, and he was loved locally here in New England. He will be missed, but like all great singers, his music will live forever.

"I left my heart, in San Franciso..." Rest In Peace Tony, I'm sure you're hooking up with Frank Sinatra right about now. Could you do me a favor though? If it's not too much trouble, my dad and mom were huge fans of you and Frank. Any chance you guys could sing a duet for them? Thanks Tony, Rest In Peace. Oh, and Thank You For your service in WWII in Europe serving in the US ARMY as a grunt, including getting the Bronze Star.
God Bless you and the whole WWII generation.






This is the 19th Year for the annual SURF ART BLOG. Click on the image above to see a larger version of this poster. If you are a surf artist or know of any surf artists please pass this along. This is my 19th year running this special SURF ART BLOG.

It's any medium, just make sure it's not something you have already sent in. I don't care how old it is, if it's never been seen before, that's perfect. Help me get the word out.

Turns out KSM had been considered for the role of Ken's Rival in the BARBIE movie, but once again, Ole Khaliddy couldn't keep the politics off the set. Damn you Sheiky. Every time you seem to get a break you always ruin your chances with your damn Al Qeada crap. Look man, that shit is getting tired, if you would just settle down and accept the fact that your politics is so yesterday you might get somewhere. Your reign is over Sheikmyster. Don't forget the NAVY Seals killed your boy Osama, and you are never getting out of GITMO. So maybe the next time you get a break, try being more likable. Nobody likes a loudmouthed terrorist. Nobody.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of used BARBIE DOLLS at Home Depot this week.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Judith/Grandma Rastl July 23rd!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY John/Grandpa Rastl July 12th!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tami Heide July 23rd!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Judy Dombrowski July 25th!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ronnie Chane July 26th, 2023!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nick Africano July 26th, 2023!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jacquie Wright July 29th, 2023!
HAPPY 34th Anniversary Kevin and Kim Grondin 7-23-23!
REST IN PEACE Arthur Pappas father of Cliff Pappas.
KEEP FIGHTING Robert Gerard! You Got This Brother!
Please keep LOCAL LEGEND Surfer Norm Murphy in your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep Victor Capozzi in your prayers as he recovers from heart surgery on July 7th, 2023 Beth Israel.

Finally, I'm calling this a special request.
LOCAL SURFER/MUSICIAN PETE KOWALSKI NEEDS A KIDNEY. A TYPE A KIDNEY. PLEASE if you know anyone with a Type A Kidney please contact me at

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 19 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf
ing Is Supposed to be Fun.





Everybody loves seeing the old pics of surfing. Especially here in Northern New England. If you have any old pics please send them off to me via email or social media. My email is


I remember this exact moment. The minute I stepped down on the sand at BIG DRAKES at the Hollister Ranch. I used to daydream about this place. And to actually be able to not only surf it, but to document it was a true dream come true. I've been back there three times now and it's always the same. I'm going back again someday. No question, I'm going back.
Photo by Paul Hamblet
*Click on the photo above to see a larger image



I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.

I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.

Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal. Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.


All photos taken this week unless otherwise noted.

MONDAY JULY 17th, 2023

Photos by RALPH

(Above) The MECCA of New Hampshire surfing.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on their Somerville restaurant
and all the
other AMERICAN FLATBREAD locations.


(Above) The waves were chest to shoulder high and super clean.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The Haffenreffer family have been helping seacoast families
with their holistic health and optimal wellness for decades.


(Above) And the water was really warm. 68 degrees.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is Preston Reusch slicing the top off of a July righthander.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Best EAST COAST Coverage on the Internet.

Click on the ad above to find out more about
more about local surf artist Stan Chew's art

Clark Little's new book
Click on the ad for more info.

(Above) This is Preston Reusch from a mini sequence.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There are times when the sun hits the wave face a certain way,
that just catches my eye.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


The SURFER'S JOURNAL is in a league all of their own.
READ the Great piece on local photographer Brian Nevins

To learn more about Evan and his journey click here

(Above) I apologize for using this affect, but the original image was too blurry. So it was either this, or nothing. Steve Franson surfing with his son Sam.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to find out more about owner
and creator Ryan Jackson and NH2o's cool selection
of surf related products.

(Above) Sam Franson's last wave of the Father Son session.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I have a soft spot in my heart for moments like this. Having lived and surfed through moments like this with my own son. The Franson boys.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for an amazing instrumental
band playing all of your favorite Beatles songs with
the coolest arrangements. Johnny A is one of the
best guitar players on the planet.

Peter Stokes is one of the BEST guitar techs in
all of North America. He's the BEST guitar tech
in New England.

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

(Above) I told Preston that "I think I got a good pic of you doing a nice cutback. In fact, it might be the best one I ever got of you."
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) One of several pics I shot of Donna DeLeo.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

Produced by Steve Sadler.
Visit our Facebook page

The VINNY Band was around from 1976 to 1984

July 30th, 1979 headlining the Paradise Club
In Boston, MA

(Above) "Now why you gotta be so hurtful?" Marky J.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Joe Carter, Brian Nevins, and Nick Lavecchia

(Above) I always enjoy seeing Dougie come home. I especially like it when he brings waves. Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Alicia Ozyjowski dropping into a shoulder high beauty.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The art of Donna Baldassari

Hannah Vokey is one of my favorite surf artists.

(Above) It was fun enough for the NICA KING Brian BMO Morse.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Dougie "FRESH" Wright doing a little carve at his homebreak.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Visit Jimmy Dunn's website to find out where and
when he will be performing.



(Above) It was great seeing the latest SURF dad Brian Joyce. His son "Coast" was born last week and Brian was on cloud 9. Congrats to Brian and his girlfriend. Life as you know it, has ended brother. But it's all for the better. We wish you all the best. Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) First photo of Brian Joyce as a father. Hell yeah Brian!
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I love Erica's whimsical Gull art. So cool and unique.

Due to the massive fire back in August the
Hampton store is closed. We will let you all
know when SECRET SPOT is back in
operation on the seacoast.
Thank you.
Jon Gozzo and family.

(Above) It's still my favorite view. Monday July 17th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Shayne Forsely finding the perfect trim.
Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) I have not seen much of him the last couple of months but his surfing is unmistakable. Mikey Evans. Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I called it the wave of the day. Monday July 17th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) It was good to finally catch up with this guy too. MVF still
dreaming of the NICA trip but making the NH sessions worthwhile.

Monday July 17th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

THE 2023 RPOTW CALENDARS ARE STILL AVAILABLE!Featuring pics from every month from last year's Blog.
Email me directly at or pick one up
at CINNAMON RAINBOWS in North Hampton, NH


Today- TUESDAY JULY 18th, 2023
Photos by RALPH

(Above) Just a handful of friends having fun. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Beach roses. Tuesday July 18th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on this image to visit Driftwood Photography

Since 1985.

Everybody has a story to tell

(Above) Jesse Gould's deep carve. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Same guy different wave. Jesse Gould. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Andy Powers setting up. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Matt Colby chugging along. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Colby is always good for one of these mini launches.
Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Andy Powers cutting back. Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Colby bouncing around on the roof.
Tuesday July 18th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Jesse Gould on a smooth faced left that held up all the way to the inside. Tuesday July 18th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

My friend Rick McAvoy from Maine is the creator
behind this unique Surf Company


(Above) It's hard to deny the coolness of this pic. Clara Nardone at the Wall. July 2023. Photo by Erica Nardone
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) If you haven't ever surfed in a fog, you need to do it. It's pretty cool. Summer 2023. Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

He's more than just a good photographer


(Above) All Rise: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session. The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. Case # 733 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK. Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the outcome


This is what happens if you are found GUILTY. You become invisible.

Click on this image above to buy this book
and more cool KING'S X merchandise and music


I see waves on Monday and Tuesday

I'm picking Monday July 24th, 2023 as the best of the week!


July 23rd, 2023

No amount of coverage on the Internet or in the magazines is worth taking this risk. This is not gonna end well for both the rider and the photographer.

(ABOVE) And this? This is insane. There's no way they are both not gonna get smoked. Photo by Uncle Google

Click here to return to TOP of the page


Click here to read Shaun Tomson's first book.